Text-to-Handwritten PDF generator software deployed on AWS using Dynamic Hosting.

Shreyanshi shah
6 min readOct 6, 2020


Text-to-Handwritten PDF generator software deployed on AWS using Dynamic Hosting.

Text-to-Handwritten PDF generator can convert any text file into human handwriting pdf. The software is developed using python language and then to scale website on a larger level it is fetched using PHP in the backend while for frontend HTML CSS used. The software is deployed on AWS services using concepts of cloud computing. The website so forth is deployed using a serverless router system and can be available cross regions using EC2 instance.


The software Text-to-Handwritten PDF generator can convert any text file into human handwriting pdf. The software is developed using python language and then to scale website on a larger level it is fetched using PHP in the backend while for frontend HTML CSS used. The software is deployed on AWS services using concepts of cloud computing. The website so forth is deployed using a serverless router system and can be available cross regions using EC2 instance. It uses python libraries as Image, FPDF which is used to read the text file and convert it in required image and then by using FPDF it is generated in PDF form. The logic behind the conversion of each letter/character into handwritten form works with the recognition of each character and attaching the image data to each file. The file is piled with all the handwritten image of respective character for Eg- small letters, capital letters, numbers, special characters. Once the characters are detected they are converted with handwritten words merged by characters and then images are formed. With merging of all images PDF is generated. Telling you about the software, the question rises that how do we make it scalable. Here where the concept of dynamic hosting using serverless service of any cloud provider. The cloud service which we have selected is AWS. For dynamic hosting we has two options to use lambda function or use dynamic hosting for hosting your website using Apache and launching EC2 instance. Here we have used the second option of using dynamic hosting. We used php scripting at backend and for frontend HTML- CSS is used. Using AWS service we launched EC2 instance, used Apache service and launched the software cross regions. Anyone having the link/IP can access the software. The software developed is in working mode with given access across regions using Cloud computing.

Problem statement:

The detection of image for text based document which dedicatedly replaces each segment from words and converts it in required PDF that can be downloaded. The another pain point identified is how do we scale application to wide range of users, that’s where we indulge Cloud computing through which we can host our software using dynamic hosting. The software in backend is wrapped with python and further using scripting language PHP the software is deployed.

Proposed solution:

Using python libraries as as Image, FPDF which is used to read the text file and convert it in required image and then by using FPDF it is generated in PDF form. The logic behind the conversion of each letter/character into handwritten form works with the recognition of each character and attaching the image data to each file. The file is piled with all the handwritten image of respective character for. Once the characters are detected they are converted with handwritten words merged by characters and then images are formed. With merging of all images PDF is generated. Telling you about the software, the question rises that how do we make it scalable. Here where the concept of dynamic hosting using serverless service of any cloud provider. The cloud service which we have selected is AWS. For dynamic hosting we has two options to use lambda function or use dynamic hosting for hosting your website using Apache and launching EC2 instance. Here we have used the second option of using dynamic hosting. We used php scripting at backend and for frontend HTML- CSS is used. Using AWS service we launched EC2 instance, used Apache service and launched the software cross regions.

Working flow:

  1. The working flow of basic software when User tries to use it.

2. The working flow of software at backend.

3. The working flow of Dynamic hosting of software.

User functionality of project:

1. The Home screen of software.

When user browses the link in the tab, user is asked to choose the file from device. The functionality of scrapping is enabled here which allows user to upload file from device.

2. Once when user chooses the .txt file from device, user is directed to upload the file.

3. Once user has uploaded, the pdf file is generated and user has option to download and preview it. If user clicks on “Back to Home” then user is directed to HomeScreen.

4. Featuring the edge cases. When user is asked to upload .txt file and user file of some other format. For eg — .docx file

5. The user when clicks on upload file, it is shown the error and is ask to upload the correct format file.

6. When user clicks on download file, it is shown and can be downloaded I the device.

7. The input of text based document and how software converts it into handwritten PDF.

Future enhancements:

· We can include other formats of documents as, .pdf, .docx etc.

· We can include the option of direct sharing of generated PDF to social platforms as Gmail, LinkedIn, google drive etc.

· It can have functionality of generating output in other formats else then PDF format.

· User can get option of diffirent handwriting and caan select out of it for output.


The software generates Handwritten PDF of uploaded text document. It uses libraries of python as source code. To make it user friendly, the scripting language is used at backend and for front end HTML CSS is used to give hassle free user-flow. To make software available on larger scale, cloud computing concept is used. The software is deployed on AWS services using functionality of dynamic hosting. The software developed works fine in all browsers with bear minimum extra edge functionality required. The working software can be used by having the link of it and it is available for wide range of users across regions with help of scalable AWS services.



Shreyanshi shah
Shreyanshi shah

Written by Shreyanshi shah

Product Manager | Being a creative writer always has paved my way through expressing my Ideas.

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